Branding or Rebranding your Business

by Jun 24, 2016Design, Small Business0 comments

Identify your Target Market

The first step in branding is to identify your target market. Don’t just focus on demographics, but tastes. Are your customers businesslike, cutting-edge, organic and earth loving, or just practical? Keep your brand consistent. If your audience is contemporary you should go for the streamlined tech-obsessed look. Earth tones and natural curves appeal to an organic audience. It is best to create a brand that appeals to your aesthetic. Then ask yourself; does this message and brand aesthetic appeal to me?

Find a Brand Name

Brand names are critical and need brainstorming. Be sure to check trademarks before going with a brand. You can check trademark status at Don’t use obscure names that only make sense to you. A brand name should still be recognizable as a word. I know what you’re thinking; what about Google, Twitter and Pinterest? These words are easy to spell and pronounce. They have also benefitted from great marketing efforts.


Design a Logo

Your logo should be simple, memorable, timeless, versatile and appropriate. A versatile logo can be broken down into different dimensions depending on its use. Business cards, social media and website headers may need to be in different dimensions. Establish a simple style guideline. Identify specific colors to represent your brand. I use to brainstorm & store color ideas. It’s free and easy to use.

So, Identify your market, choose a brand name & establish a style guideline and you’re well on your way to your new brand identity.


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