New VPS Server at GulfCoastWebNet

by Sep 17, 2014Technology0 comments

Gulf Coast Web Net has several servers at InMotion Hosting and these were just upgraded to VPS Server S-Class, which means now your website will run even faster and receive improved SEO scores from Google and other search engines. You can read more about the new S-Class roll out by InMotion Hosting below:

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We are excited to announce the next generation of InMotion’s Virtual Private Server Hosting: the VPS S-Class. These new and improved VPS packages include FREE Solid-State Drives (SSDs) and significantly increased RAM, storage and bandwidth.


The new VPS hosting plans offer substantial upgrades in power, performance and reliability, utilizing SSDs that perform up to 20 times faster than standard spinning drives.

Here is how InMotion’s VPS Hosting now compares to some of the other well-known web hosting companies:


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