Webmaster Blog

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as many ideas about how to improve your online presence.

The hidden network that makes the internet possible

The hidden network that makes the internet possible

In 2012, a team of researchers set a world record, transmitting 1 petabit of data— that’s 10,000 hours of high-def video— over a fifty-kilometer cable, in a second. This wasn’t just any cable. It was a souped-up version of fiber optics, the hidden network that links our planet and makes the internet possible.

Make your website work for you

Make your website work for you

So many people put their website together and then just let it sit there. You have spent a lot of time and money to put your website together so make sure it works for you. Every business is different which means that every approach will be different, but here are some ideas to get you started.

Whats new in the web design field

Whats new in the web design field

Ran has some great observations on current web design trends. There are some design trends that will date your website and others that are classy and get the message across, which is what you want to do. You need to balance trends with functionality. The tools we have today are so much better than in the past which put these features in the hands of nearly every web designer.

SEO is Everything

SEO is Everything

There are a lot of misconceptions about SEO. People new to the world of Websites often ask if I can improve their SEO. These people are still under the misconception that managing SEO is all in the hands of the Web Designer.